VOC and MIR Regulations by Jurisdiction

The table below will guide you to either the sites of the key VOC regulators or to a page on this site which makes it easier to find the various VOC regulations.

RegulatorRegulator WebsiteTBF Guide Page
US Environmental Protection Agencywebsitelink
Environment Canadawebsitelink
California Air Resources Board CARBwebsitelink
South Coast Air Quality Management District SCAQMDwebsitelink
Ozone Transport Commission OTCwebsitelink
Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairswebsitelink
New York Dept of Environmental Conservationwebsitelink
New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection Bureau of Air Quality Planningwebsitelink
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protectionwebsitelink
Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium LADCOwebsitelink
Michigan Dept. of Environmental Qualitywebsitelink
Ohio Environmental Protection Agencywebsitelink
Oregon Department of Environmental Qualitywebsitelink
Illinois Pollution Control Boardwebsitelink
Indiana Department of Environmental Protectionwebsitelink
Florida Division of Air Resource Managementwebsitelink
Texas Commission on Environmental Qualitywebsitelink
Virginia Department of Environmental Qualitywebsitelink
Washington Department of Ecologywebsitelink


There are regulators in every state, and many local regulators.  This guide does not cover all of them. Many regulations simply refer to the California standards or adopt the California regulations wholesale. Application by Jurisdiction.  Note that if your company sells or manufactures products in a state, you are subject to the VOC regulations of that state, which may not be included in this guide. You may need to access these regulators directly if they are not referenced herein.  As a general rule, if you follow the California guidelines, your products will satisfy the toughest restrictions in the US.